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A Selection of Recent Books from Takahe Publishing Ltd.           Click on Image for Further  Details

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Philip Larkin’s love of libraries, of books, of poetry began in the city where he was born, went to school and spent his first 18 years. His childhood was not “unspent”, as he claimed in I Remember, I Remember.

This book goes behind the great poet’s curmudgeonly facade and truffles out the places where he was content and even “happy” in his youth. It also takes a fresh look at a city that has two thriving universities and a burgeoning arts scene. Not a ghost town but a host town for cultures from around the globe.

The paths of Bill Shankly, Denis Law and David Kershaw crossed briefly at Huddersfield Town FC in the late 1950s. Shankly had to tell David that he was never going to make it as a professional on the field before adding that he “really should be a teacher”.

He backed his judgement by paying for the necessary qualifications for a young man who had failed his eleven-plus and been written off as “not very bright”.  Kershaw would go on to become not just a teacher but a head teacher who is still employed by the Department of Education to sort out failing schools at the age of 75.

This new offering contains David’s deep poetic reflections on a wide variety of themes. This book finishes with three short stories that challenge the reader to engage in a variety of strange situations that David presents in his uniquely descriptive style.

This book is well-presented in hardback and is another inspiring collection that is sure to engage and entertain. The many internal colour images serve to illustrate the mood of the poems that they accompany.

Sure to be thought-provoking.

This book is a collection of short stories by journalist Steve Chilton. The chapters are wide and varied in nature, being loosely based upon actual events in Coventry and its surrounding areas.

It presents a wonderful exploration of what might have happened and Steve’s colourful imagination gives rise to a series of tales that are sure to amuse and entertain.

A great read that will appeal to everyone - especially those who are familiar with Warwichshire.